Wednesday, September 30, 2009

7th grade letter

En mi familia cuatro personas, mi padre, mi madre, mi hermana, y yo. Mi familia es inteligente, interesante, y buena. Vivimos en Tucson. Tenemos muchos amigos y muchas fiestas. A nosotros nos gustan las fiestas, las frutas, animales y nuestros amigos. Trabajamos, hacemos los deberes, y vemos películas juntos.

Yo soy Chickita. Soy bella, rubia y elegante. Vivo en una casa en Tucson. Tengo dos gatos, un televisor y una bicicleta. Me gusta ir al cine con mis amigos e ir de compras para las ventas. Me gusta bailar en Tucson Dance Company.

Mi papá es muy inteligente, un poco gordo, y un poco cómico. Vive en Tucson, Arizona. Él tiene una casa y los carros. A él le gustan los carros y su familia. Él trabaja y pasa tiempo con su familia.

Mis gatos se llaman Bella y Delila. Son atractivos y muy activos. Viven en sus casas en mi casa. Tienen comida, agua, y juguetes. A ellos les gusta abrazar, el sueño, y se ejecutan en la hierba. Ellos juegan y comen mucho.

Mi hermana es atlética, activa, y bonita. Ella vive con mi familia en nuestra casa de autos antiguos. A ella le gusta practicar deportes, nadar, e ir a la escuela. Ella toca el piano.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Leche Asada (Roasted milk)

Leche Asada is a popular desert in Peru because it is simple, tasty, and nutritious. This dish was fairly simple to make. It's ingredients were sugar, eggs, vanilla, and evaporated milk. then it would cook in the oven at 392 F degrees and was in the oven until it was brown and curled which took about 30-45 minutes. then after taken out let it chill before eating. I think it looks really good and can't wait to eat it.

Monday, September 21, 2009


The Government Palace of Peru,also known as House of Pizarro, was rebuilt in 1937, is located on the north side of the Plaza Mayor, Lima, "City of the Kings."Lima City Council President, in a poor attempt to justify charging Lima residents an extra $4 million, now is making up numbers. The money spent paying garbage collectors would multiply seven times in the local community, he said Monday night.The provinces of Lima has its own government, with the Lima metropolitan area. The arrangement has created huge inequalities in the metropolitan area. Wealthy neighborhoods like Miraflores provide relatively good services to its citizens.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Panchamanca is a special dish that is made under ground . It consists of lamb, pork, meat, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and a tamale. Panchamanca is usually made for special occasions like weddings, soccer cups and holidays. First you have to heat rocks on the floor using firewood, when the rocks are hot enough, the food is placed inside a sack and buried in the hot rocks. The food has to be repeatedly checked to see when it is done because the temperature is unstable.